Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Just my 2 cents

How to squeeze in extra money from an already existing revenue source....

Example of the amount of paper used in schools/colleges and Univs. Most of the time is spent in transporting large amounts of books to distributing centres. The costs rise as these goods exchange hands between production/printing centers and retailers to local bookstores. So wont it be easy if schools and universities become distributing centres? They know who the customers are..in short they know the count of how many students have enrolled for a particular class/course. Now comes the real revenue saver. Why cant one go for licensing and dispense equipments to digitally decrypt and print books at these schools and univ at affordable costs. Atleast there is save on transportation and handling costs, then cut down on inventory/storage. School kids who are used to carrying around tonnes of books to school can be cut down when school teachers could handout printed pages of textbooks and help soothe their sufferings. This is one way to squeeze in those extra cents by going in for digital licensing and local dispensing.

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